
The purpose of this document is to give users of AneIV the possibility to understand how calculations are made by AneIV and which variables are used. Used references are, if possible, online resources. Books are referenced with title, author (red), volume and page(s).


Airway include respirationfrequency, tidalvolume and minutevolume in addition to equipment used to control and secure an airway.


  • Pediatric frequency
  • Adult frequency
    • Resp. frequency : 12 – 18
  • Both
    • Tidalvolume 6- 8 ml / kg : +
    • Minuteventilation volume = min tidalvolume * low frequenzy – max tidalvolume * high frequenzy. IE Adult weighing 75 kg: (6 * 75) * 12 – (8 * 75) * 18
    • Deadspace 2-2.5ml/kg : Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Eight edition, Senior editor WC Levine, page 458
  • Respiratory calculations, see links in app


  • Pediatric
  • Adult
    • Oral : Female ID 7 mm / 22 cm at lips and male ID 8 mm / 24 cm at lips (ID size : Essential Clinical Anesthesia , 2011, (Charles A. Vacanti, Richard Urman, Pankaj K. Sikka, Mark Dershwitz, B.Scott Segal, page 107)
    • Nasal : ID 1 mm less than oral size and 3 cm added to placement : Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Eight edition, Senior editor WC Levine, page 186
    • DLTubes :
  • LMA
    • + Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Eight edition, Senior editor WC Levine, page 186 + Essential Clinical Anesthesia , 2011, (Vacanti, Charles A., Urman, Richard, Sikka, Pankaj, Segal, Scott, page 106)


Frequency + bloodpressure

There are many sites that has information about pediatric vital signs. AneIV has combined some of them. In the AneIV app, pediatric bloodpressure is shown with systolic and diastolic limits. In addition there are shown some values indicating the minimum systolic bloodpressure. These values are from different sites, see below.

There are links listed here that are not used in the app, but that the developers found useful and interesting.






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