2025 introduced two quick updates to AneIV! Settings and the ususal bugfixes!
New version released
After several years in development, a new version of AneIV has finally been released.
The code has been rewritten in Flutter/Dart and hopefully we will release an apple version soon.
New things
AneIV has been under further development for some years now and hopefully it will soon be ready for a grand release. An iOS version will hopefully be released at the same time.
On an other note, the homepage has moved to this new address! Makes kind of more sense.
New version released!
A new version AneIV has been released, AneIV 3.04, and fixes some newly idetified bugs.
New version released
A new version AneIv has been released, AneIV 3.03. As usual soon after a major release and as usual mainly bugfixes.
Bug found!
Thanks to our user(s) who has reported a bug when reseting drug information. We are working on this issue and will release an update later to day!
New version released
A new version AneIv has been released, AneIV 3.02. As usual soon after a major release and as usual mainly bugfixes.
New version released!
A new version AneIv has been released, AneIV 3.01. As usual soon after a major release and as usual mainly bugfixes.
New version released!
AneIV version 3.0 has been released!
- Ringer Acetat and Sodium Chloride has been removed from the medication list!
- Major under-the-hood changes!
- Added more database tools!
- User can now edit/change more of the information stored about each drug!
- Modified some of the tools!
- Usual bugfixes!
Ringer Acetate and Sodium Chloride was removed and is planned to be replaced by a generic “fluid” drug in upcoming versions.
In earlier versions we had to lists on our servers, BuiltIn! and AllMeds. Now these are the same and is called BuiltIn!. This means that when you update BuiltIn! you get all medications known to AneIV!
There are now two icons on the top of the screen, a question mark and an i. Both with a circle around them. If you press this, you get a dialog with help text related to the actice tab or extra information if available. In version 3.0 there are only extra information available in the tabs Meds, Infusion and Favs.
Regarding the database tools, the user can now
TomyLabs can make lists that needs to be distributed to many users accessible from out site! Please contact us!
Work in progress…
In our last post we announced that our new version would have some new features. We are close to finish our debug checks and hopefully release the new and improved version of AneIV soon.
Please contact us if there is anything you would like us to include, tools or medications, into AneIV.